Legal Bits

Marketing Walk is a trademark of Marketing Walk Ltd.
Private Limited Company registered in England and Wales
Company Number: 6906757

Sadly, in this litigious world, we have to include a few legal terms and conditions below this page. If you don’t agree with them then please stop using this website.

In particular, this is currently a BETA version of this website, ie “work in progress”, so it is quite likely that elements will be missing or incorrectly attributed. Please let me know if you spot any errors.

This website is copyright Marketing Walk Ltd 2009-2018. All trademarks images and illustrations used are copyright Marketing Walk and or its director Chris Collis, or are used with the permission of the copyright owners. All intellectual property rights reserved. Examples of previous work shown include examples of work carried out by Chris Collis before the incorporation of Marketing Walk Ltd, and or employed by other companies. We take care to ensure our website is safe and free from viruses, but make no warranty to that effect nor promise to rectify any faults. You acknowledge and agree that Marketing Walk is not responsible for any harm to you or your property (eg your computer) from your use of this website. You acknowledge and agree that we cannot be held responsible for content on other sites to which we provide links or pointers. In case of disagreement, then jurisdiction of English Law applies. If any terms or conditions become invalid or overturned by law, then remaining terms will continue to apply.


Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Conditions of Sale


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Marketing Strategy UK